一般情報 General information
製品番号 Product No. | WA-013 (康広) Yasuhiro 1st gen. |
剣の種類 Sword type | 脇差 Wakizashi. |
銘 MEI (表 Omote) | 備中守橘康広 Bitchū no Kami Tachibana Yasuhiro |
銘 MEI (裏 Ura) | 菊紋 (kiku). |
時代 Era | 寛文 Kambun period. 1661-1672. |
日付 Date | ca. 1665. |
州 Province | 摂津 Settsu. |
伝 School | 大阪石堂 Osaka Ishidō. |
師 Teacher | 康広 Tameyasu. |
寸法 Measurements
長さ Nagasa | 54.9 cm |
反り Sori | 1.20 cm |
元幅 Motohaba | 3.28 cm |
先幅 Sakihaba | 2.20 cm |
重ね Kasane | 0.72 cm |
中子 Nakago | 15.1 cm |
鑑定書 Kantei-sho
日本美術刀剣保存協会 NBTHK Certificate |
特別保存刀剣 Tokubetsu Hozon tōken |
他の証明書 Other certificate |
適用外です Not applicable |
考課 Appraisal 鑑定 Kantei | 上々作 Jyo Jyo Saku.
Rating by Hawley 60 points. |
状態 Status | 上等 Superior. |
研磨 Polish | 平均研磨上記 above average polishing. |
切れ味の分類 Classification on sharpness | 業物 Wazamono. |
詳細 Details
姿 Sugata | Wide and thick healthy Wakizashi. Shinogizukuri, Mune-takashi (High back). |
肌 Hada | Ko-Itame Hada well grained with Jinie attach. Some Utsuri is visible. |
切先 Kissaki | Chu kissaki. |
刃文 Hamon | From Hamachi is Suguha and then Choji Midare. In Ha, there are Ashi, Yo and Tobi-Yaki. |
彫物 Horimone |
適用外です Not applicable |
帽子 Bōshi | Round Hakikake style. |
中心 Nakago | Ubu. Yasurimes are o-suji-kais, Saki is ha-agari, kuri-jiri. |
目釘穴 Mekugi-ana | 1 mekugi ana. |
はばき Habaki | Very nice double gold folded Habaki. |
外装 Koshirae | Old Koshirae with family MON’s, plum blossom design. MON’s are arranged on both sides of the Saya.
This MON is attributed to the “Tsutsui Sadatsugu” family, period 1562-1615. This almost corresponds to the age of Nihonto. Saya has some old damage in the Lacquerwork. Kosihrae features a beautiful Tsuba, Shakudo Nanakoji plate with five chrysanthemum flowers. Old Tsuka, finishe with a beautiful rayskin basis. |
自鞘 Shira-saya | The blade is polished and stored in a nice Shira-saya with a purple-coloured silk bag. |
追加情報 Additional Information |
The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a 特別保存刀剣 Tokubetsu hozon tōken certificate: number 1008492 Provided on 平成三十年三月十五日 30th year in Heisei, 3th Month, 15th Day. 2018 年 3月15日 March. 15, 2018 |
歴史 History | Yasuhiro (康広), 1st gen.
Kanbun (寛文, 1661-1673), Settsu – „Bitchū no Kami Tachibana Yasuhiro“ (備中守橘康広), he came originally from Ōmi and was the second son of Tosa Shōgen Tameyasu (土佐将監為康), he signed his name in early years with the characters (安広). Later he moved to Ōsaka and started there the Ōsaka-Ishidō school. He also worked in Yamashiro province. Bichu (No) Kami Tachibana Yasuhiro was the founder of Kishu-Ishido School. It is said that he was an elder brother of Tameyasu. Yasuhiro’s real name was Tomita Gorozaemon, moved to Osaka and worked as the founder of Osaka-Ishido school. After becamed Bichu (No) Kami, he started to engrave the crest of an open chrysanthemum flower on the reverse side of the tang. He was a founder of the Bizen Choji-midare Osaka Ishido and also he made Doranba hamon who was very technical swords smith. |
価格 price € 10250,– (Shipping fee is not included in the price).
PS: More photos available on request!
ATTENTION: Sageo on the Koshirae (picture 1) not avelible!