Wakizashi – Sukesada

Wakizashi – Sukesada

一般情報 General information

製品番号 Product No. WA-008 (祐定) Sukesada. 三代  3e Gen.
剣の種類 Sword type  Wakizashi.
 MEI ( Omote) 備前國長船住祐定作 Bizen (no) kuni Osafune (no) jū Sukesada saku.
 MEI ( Ura) 享保二二年三月日 Kyōhō shi nen san gatsu hi.
時代 Era 享保 Kyōhō period. 1716-1735.
日付 Date One a day in March 1719.
 Province           備前 Bizen.
 School 未知 Unknown
 Teacher 養子 Yashi-Adoptive son of Kozuke Dija Sukesada.

寸法 Measurements

長さ Nagasa 50.2cm
反り Sori 1.70 cm
元幅 Motohaba 2.80 cm
先幅 Sakihaba 1.90 cm
重ね Kasane 0.72 cm
 Nakago 13.1 cm

鑑定書 Kantei-sho

日本美術刀剣保存協会                               NBTHK Certificate 保存刀剣   Hozon tōken
他の証明書                                           Other certificate 適用外です Not applicable
考課 Appraisal  鑑定  Kantei 上作 Jyo Saku.Rating by Hawley 15 points.
状態 Status 上等 Superior.
研磨 Polish 平均研磨上記 above average polishing.
切れ味の分類                                     Classification  on sharpness 業物 Wazamono.

詳細 Details

姿 Sugata Shinogi zukuri, ihori mune, torii sori.
切先 Kissaki Chu kissaki.
肌 Hada Koitame-hada well grained, clear Jigane.
刃文 Hamon Suguha at begin, from the middle a mixture of Gunome-midare and Choji-midare.
彫物 Horimone 適用外です Not applicable
帽子 Bōshi Sugu ko maru kaeri fukashi.
中心 Nakago Ubu, saki ha agari kuri jiri, yasuri me asai katte sagari.
目釘穴 Mekugi-ana 1 mekugi ana.
はばき Habaki Nice copper bases, double gold folded Habaki.
外装 Koshirae A very nice Koshirae with associated Sword fittings.
自鞘 Shira-saya The blade is polished and stored in a nice Shirasaya with a purple-coloured silk bag.
追加情報                                      Additional Information ATTENTION: This Sukesada blade is not Kazuuchi (not a mass production).The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a 保存刀剣 Hozon tōken certificate: number 332106Provided on 平成五年二六月二十五日. Heisei go nen ni gatsu ni jȗ go hi, February 25th, 1994.
歴史 History According Fujishiro Yoshio sensei’s Shintoshu, p.165 this smith is Yamato Daijo Sukesada, adoptive son of Kozuke Dija Sukesada, who at the end of the Genroku period (1688-1704) made dai saku for adoptive father.His personal name was Shichi no Shin, initially he used the name Sukenobu in his signatures. Yokoyama Shichi no Shin was the 5th son of Sichibee, in Shotoku 6th (1716) he received the title of Yamamoto Daijo.

 価格 price   € 8350,–                            (Shipping fee is not included in the price).    

PS: More photos available on request!