一般情報 General information
製品番号 Product No. | WA-007 (祐永) Sukenaga (Shodai). |
剣の種類 Sword type | 脇差 Wakizashi. |
銘 MEI (表 Omote) | 横山加賀介藤原祐永 Yokoyama Kaga Suke Fujiwara Sukenaga. |
銘 MEI (裏 Ura) | 備前長船住人 Bizen Osafune jȗnin. 天保五年二月日 Tenpō go nen ni gatsu hi. |
時代 Era | 天保 Tenpō period. 1830-1843. |
日付 Date | 1834. |
州 Province | 備前 Bizen. |
伝 School | 横山 Yokoyama. |
師 Teacher/ 父 Father | 祐平 Sukehira. |
寸法 Measurements
長さ Nagasa | 50.5 cm |
反り Sori | 1.40 cm |
元幅 Motohaba | 2.90 cm |
先幅 Sakihaba | 1.95 cm |
重ね Kasane | 0.78 cm |
中子 Nakago | 16.8 cm |
鑑定書 Kantei-sho
日本美術刀剣保存協会 NBTHK Certificate | 保存刀剣 Hozon tōken |
他の証明書 Other certificate | 適用外です Not applicable |
考課 Appraisal 鑑定 Kantei | 上作 Jyo Saku. Rating by Hawley 60 points. |
状態 Status | 上等 Superior. |
研磨 Polish | 平均研磨上記 Above average polishing. |
切れ味の分類 Classification on sharpness | 良業物 Ryō-Wazamono |
詳細 Details
姿 Sugata | Shinogi zukuri, ihori mune, torii sori. |
切先 Kissaki | Chu kissaki. |
肌 Hada | Thightly forged very fine Ko-itame Hada, mijn ji mie. |
刃文 Hamon | Straight Yakidashi, Choji-midare like chrysanthemum, called Kikka-Choji clove outline. |
彫物 Horimone | 適用外です Not applicable |
帽子 Bōshi | Sugu ko maru kaeri fukashi. |
中心 Nakago | Ubu, broad Saki ha agari kuri jiri, yasuri me asai katta sagari. |
目釘穴 Mekugi-ana | 1 mekugi ana. |
はばき Habaki | Nice copper bases, single gold folded Habaki. |
外装 Koshirae | A very nice Koshirae with associated Sword fittings. |
自鞘 Shira-saya | The blade is polished and stored in a nice Shirasaya with a purple-coloured silk bag. |
追加情報 Additional Information | The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a 保存刀剣 Hozon tōken certificate: number 321865Provided on 平成六年八月三日. Heisei kū nen hachi gatsu san hi, August 3th, 1998.
ATTENTION: A lot of Swords with the same Mei: Sukenaga; are accompanied with a “KIKU MON symbol and an ICHI” inscribed. But it should be said that many of these “KIKU MON’s” a symbol and an ICHI” inscribed are false. The blade mentioned in this description doesn’t have a “KIKU MON” whether and an ICHI symbol. |
歴史 History | This smith is the most important representative of the Bizen tradition in the Shin-Shinto period. He was the second son of YOKOYAWA SUKE-HIRA (His Father).He was born in Kansei 7th, (1795) and as a child he used the name YULI, later he was called KANU-NOSUKE. On the 13th of the 2th month of Tempo 4th (February 13th, 1833) he received the title of KAGA-SUKE.He passed away on the 2th of the 6th month of Kaei 4th (June 2th, 1851) at the age of 57.He considered himself to the 56th generation descendant of the famous Tomonari of Bizen. This often mentioned in his signatures.The succession runs through Kawachi and Kami Sukesada (1688-1704) and Yokoyama Sozaemon no Jo Sukesada (1661-1673).According to Token to Rekishi No: 509 there were 4 other generations of Sukenaga (the 57th, 58th, 59th and the 60th generations after Tomonari). |
価格 price € 8950,– (Shipping fee is not included in the price).
PS: More photos available on request!