Wakizashi – Masashige

Wakizashi – Masashige

一般情報 General information

製品番号 Product No. WA-011 (正繁) Masashige. (1st Gen.)
剣の種類 Sword type 脇差 Wakizashi.
 MEI ( Omote) 手柄山甲斐守正繁 Tegarayama kai (no) kami Masashige.
 MEI ( Ura) 文化四年二月日 Bunka sei shi nen ni gatsu hi.                        菅原義孝壽常作之 Sugawara Yoshitaka Ō Motome kore tsukuru.  
時代 Era 文化 Bunka period. 1804-1817.
日付 Date One day in February 1807.
 Province           播磨 Harima.
 School 手柄山 Tegarayama.
 Father 氏重 Ujishige.



寸法 Measurements

長さ Nagasa 45.2 cm
反り Sori 1.10 cm
元幅 Motohaba 3.10 cm
先幅 Sakihaba 2.40 cm
重ね Kasane 0.79 cm
中子 Nakago 15.1 cm



鑑定書 Kantei-sho

日本美術刀剣保存協会                              NBTHK Certificate 特別保存刀剣  Tokubetsu Hozon tōken
他の証明書                                         Other certificate 適用外です Not applicable
考課 Appraisal   鑑定 K antei 上々作  Jyo Jyo Saku.Rating by Hawley 70 points.
状態 Status 優れ Excellent.
研磨 Polish 優れた研磨 Excellent polishing. Done by high ranking polisher.
切れ味の分類                                      Classification on sharpness 業物 Wazamono.


詳細 Details

姿 Sugata Shinogi-zukuri, Iori mune.
肌 Hada Ko-itame hada well grained with jinie attach beautiful texture.
切先 Kissaki Chu kissaki.
刃文 Hamon From the Hamachi suguha, then gunome midairi, nioi-kuchi and Doranba hamon. In Ha, many sunagashi, fat soft ash and kinsuji work.
彫物 Horimone 適用外です Not applicable
帽子 Bōshi Midare and Komaru Sugu. Round shape with thick nio-kuchi.
中心 Nakago Ubu. Yasurimes are o-suji-kais, Saki is ha-agari, kuri-jiri.
目釘穴 Mekugi-ana 1 mekugi ana.
はばき Habaki Very nice double gold folded Habaki.
外装 Koshirae Koshirae is present for this Wakizashi, see photo.
Description to follow shortly.
自鞘 Shira-saya The blade is polished and stored in a nice Shira-saya with a purple-coloured silk bag.
追加情報                                     Additional Information The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a 特別保存刀剣 Tokubetsu hozon tōken certificate: number 146397Provided on 平成十三年四月五日. Heisei jȗ san nen shi gatsu go hi, April 5th, 2001
歴史 History Tegarayama Masashige was a son of the Tegarayama Ujishige who was born at Horeki 10th 1760, and moved to Oosaka and then Edo and lived Kanda area. He studied under the Suishinshi masahide about Doranba hamon. He also worked for Matudaira Sadanobu in Ousyu Shirakawa.At that time, Masahide was well known sword makers of the Doranba hamon and many students studied by Kato tsunahide, Cyounsai Tsunatoshi, Ozaki suketaka and Akama Tsunanobu but Masahide changed to make Doranba hamon to old Koto blade which is kogunome and kocyoji midair hamon because of making strong swords.Tegarayama Masashige was influenced a lot by Tsuda Sukehiro and continued to make Doranba or O-gunome midair swords.

価格 price    € 11750,–                              (Shipping fee is not included in the price).     

PS: More photos available on request!