Wakizashi – Isshū

Wakizashi – Isshū

一般情報 General information

製品番号 Product No. WA-004 (一秀) Isshū 1st. Gen.
剣の種類 Sword type 脇差 Wakizashi, (Kanmuri Otoshi style) with a Naginata point.
銘 MEI (表 Omote) 池田一秀入道龍 Ikeda Isshū Nyudō Ryūken.
 MEI ( Ura) 天保五年五月 Tenpô go nen go gatsu.
時代 Era 天保 Tenpô period. 1830-1843.
日付 Date May 1834.
州 Province 羽州 Ushū.
伝 School 正秀 Masahide.
師 Teacher 正秀 Masahide.

寸法 Measurements 

長さ Nagasa 42.8 cm
反り Sori 1.10 cm
元幅 Motohaba 3.15 cm
先幅 Sakihaba 2.90 cm
重ね Kasane 0.60 cm
中子 Nakago 12.1 cm


鑑定書 Kantei-sho

日本美術刀剣保存協会                                NBTHK Certificate 特別貴重刀剣 Tokubetsu Kicho tōken
他の証明書                                            Other certificate 適用外です Not applicable
考課 Appraisal   鑑定  Kantei 上作 Jyo Saku.Rating by Hawley 20 points.
状態 Status 上等 Superior
研磨 Polish 平均研磨上記 above average polishing
切れ味の分類                                      Classification  on sharpness 良業物 Ryō-Wazamono


詳細 Details

姿 Sugata U no kubi tsukuri, ihori mune. torii sori.
肌 Hada Ko-itame hada with clear Bo-utsuri , mura nie.
切先 Kissaki O-kissaki.
刃文 Hamon Gunome ha hamon, ashi nagaku, yakidashi.
彫物 Horimone Naginata hi ni sue hi.
帽子 Bōshi Gumone ashi, ko maru, kaeri fukashi.
中心 Nakago O-Suriage, saki kiri, yasuri me suji kai kesho.
目釘穴 Mekugi-ana 1 mekugi ana.
はばき Habaki Big red copper base silver, single Habaki.
外装 Koshirae With new Koshirae and winding on the Tsuka. All stored in an old/antique silk bag.
自鞘 Shira-saya The blade is polished and stored in a nice Shirasaya with a purple-coloured silk bag.
鞘書 Sayagaki 池田一秀入道龍 Ikeda isshū nyudō ryūken. 天保五年五月 Tenpô go nen go gatsu.
追加情報                                       Additional Information The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a Nihonto 特別貴重 Tokubetsu Kicho tōken certificate: number 29625Provided on 昭和四十九年六月四日. Shōwa shi nen rokȗ gatsu shi hi, June 4th, 1974.
歴史 History This blacksmith is IKEDA SINAI, a student of the famous SUISHINSHI Masahide, which was in 1805 armorer of the Sakai clan.He used the name UNJUSAI, after having occurred as a monk, he called himself Ryuken (as partially still can be read in the signature of this sword).

価格 price   € 8850,–                           (Shipping fee is not included in the price).     

PS: More photos available on request!