一般情報 General information
製品番号 Product No. | TS-27. |
継手の種類 Type of fitting | 平安城鍔 Heianjo Tsuba |
銘 MEI | 無銘 MUMEI. に帰属: 与四郎 Attribute to: Yoshirō |
形状 Shape. | 丸形 (圓形)// 長丸形 Maru Gata (Round)// Naga Maru Gata (Oval) |
画像 Image. | 貝殻と海老図 Seashell and shrimp illustration |
時代 Era | 江戸時代初期・中期 Early/Mid Edō period |
日付 Date | ca. 1680-1740 |
家族 Family | 未知 Unknown |
伝 School | 平安城伝 Heianjo Den |
寸法 Measurements
身長 Height | 70.0 mm |
幅 Width | 68.1 mm |
厚さThickness (egde) | 3.02 mm |
重量 Weight | 74.0 gr. |
詳細 Details
物質 Material | 鉄, 真鍮 Iron, brass |
技法 Technique | 肉彫地透 , 平安城象嵌, 真鍮象嵌を施す. Nikubori-ji-sukashi openwork, Heianjōzōgan, Shinchū zōgan o hodokos |
鑑定書 Kantei-sho
日本美術刀剣保存協会 NBTHK Certificate | 適用外です Not applicable
特別保存刀装具鑑, しんさの候補 Candidate for Hozon Tōsō-gu, Shin-sa exam |
他の 証明書 Other certificate | 現在はそうではありません。That is not the case now. |
状態 Status | 上工 Jōkō, Superior |
追加情報 Additional Information |
脇差や刀に最適 Suitable for a Wakizashi and Katana. |
歴史 History | 鍔はヨーロッパのコレクションから来ています。Tsuba comes from an Europese collection.
There is a theory that the “mysterious” origins of the Heianjo-zogan technique is actually SE Asia, reasonable in light of the fact that they are unknown prior to European contact, ca 1550. A theory about “Onin” guards suggests that they are Japanese Tosho tsuba, mounted on swords that were exported decorated abroad, where they received brass inlay, and returned to Japan via maritime trade. |
価格 price € 675.– (Shipping fee is not included in the price).
PS: More photos available on request!