

一般情報 General information

製品番号 Product No. TOSOGU-009.
項目種類  Item type 二所物 Futato-koromono
刀装具品の構成 Composition of Tosogu: 小柄 Kozuka, Kogai

無銘 MUMEI. Attributed to 石黒政常 (二代)  Ishiguro Masatsune (2nd Gen.)

画像 Image 秋の花/草図 Autumn flowers/grass illustartion
時代 Era 江戸時代初期 Early Edo period
日付 Date  ca.1700-1740
Country 山城国 Yamashiro kuni
/集団 School/group 京金工 Kyō Kinko group

詳細 Details

物質 Material. 赤銅, 金銀象嵌 Shaku-dô, Kingin zōgananako-ji
技法 Technique    ,地高彫 Nanako-ji,Taka nori

鑑定書 Kantei-sho

日本美術刀剣保存協会  NBTHK Certificate

保存刀装具鑑定書   Hozon Tosogu certificate

他の証明書                      Other certificate

適用外です Not applicable

状態 Status 上等 Superior

寸法  Measurements

小柄 Kozuka L:    98.1mm         W: 14.8mm
笄   Kogai L:  217.0mm         W: 12.4mm
追加情報                          Additional Information

The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a 保存刀装具鑑定書 Hozon Tosogu certificate number: 4009642

Provided on 平成二十八年五月十一日. Heisei ni jȗ nen go gatsu ni jȗ ichi hi, May 11th, 2016

The gold and silver inlaid design has a beautiful contrast with the dark 赤銅 Shaku-dô background

The colour of the different metals are very elegant. Both Kogai and 小柄 Kozuka are made by excellent craftsmanship. All of the flat surface is covered in a perfect Nanako-pattern

This 刀装具 Tosogu set is suitable for a Wakizashi and/or Katana

歴史 History

The Hozon certificate states that this Tosogu set is attributed to the 京金工 Kyō Kinko group. This attribution means that it was made by one of the Tosogu smiths/artists who were active around 京都 Kyōtō in 山城国 Yamashiro kuni. Many schools were active around Kyōtō in both the Kotō, Shintō, and Shinshintō periods.

江戸後期の装剣金工家二代, 政常は前銘を政守と切り. 後に盛常, 政常と銘した.

A swordsmith in the late Edo period.The second generation, Masatsune, had the front inscription read “Masamori.” Later he was named Moritsune and Masatsune.

 価格 price    € 2475,–           (Shipping fee is not included in the price).               

PS: More photos available on request!