一般情報 General information
製品番号 Product No. | TOSOGU-012 |
目種類 Item type | 三所物 Mito-koromono |
刀装具品の構成 Composition of Tosogu: | 鐔 Tsuba, 目貫 Menuki, 小塚 Kozuka |
銘 MEI | Tetsugendō Naofusa + kaō/ gold seal 鉄元堂尚房 (kaō /gold seal)(花押)/(金印) Naofusa (尚房) Kozuka
Tetsugendō Naofusa + kaō/ gold seal 鉄元堂尚房 (kaō /gold seal)(花押)/(金印) Naofusa (尚房) Tsuba |
画像 Image | カメTurtle |
時代 Era | 江戸時代 Edo period |
日付 Date | 1780-1840. |
伝 / 集団 School/group | 徹源堂 Tetsugendō school |
詳細 Details
物質Material. | 鉄, 塗装金 Tetsu, Tosō-kin |
技法 Technique | 高彫, 象嵌色絵 Taka-bori, zōgan iroe |
鑑定書 Kantei-sho
日本美術刀剣保存協会NBTHK Certificate |
特別保存刀装具鑑定書 Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu certificate 保存刀装具鑑定書 Hozon Tosogu certificate |
他の証明書 Other certificate |
適用外です Not applicable |
評価 Rating: | 上工 Jōkō |
状態 Status | 良い Good |
寸法 Measurements
鐔 Tsuba | 身長 Height: 60.3mm | 幅 Width: 56.1mm | 厚さ Thickness: 3.6mm | 重さWeigth: 76 gr |
目貫 Menuki’s | 身長 Height: 15.0mm | 幅 Width: 27.1mm | 厚さ Thickness: 6.5mm | |
小塚Kozuka | 身長 Height: 98.6mm | 幅 Width: 15.2mm | 厚さ Thickness: 6.8mm | |
小刀 Kogatana | 長さLength: 184mm | 幅 Width: 10.7mm | 厚さ Thickness: 2.1 | |
銘小刀 MEI Kogatana | 井上真海 Inoue Shinkai (碑文 Inscription) | |||
追加情報 Additional Information | The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by,
“Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) with the following certificate’s: 小塚 Kozuka: 特別保存刀装具鑑定書 Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu certificate number: 2003774 on 平成二十八年十一月八日 28th year in Heisei -11th Month-8th Day. 2016年11月8日 Oct. 28, 2016 鐔 Tsuba: 保存刀装具鑑定書 Hozon Tosogu certificate number: 456840 on 平成 二八年十二月二十四日 18th year in Heisei -12th Month-24th Day. 2008 年 12月24日 Dec. 20, 2008 Perfect Tosogu set for a Tanto or Sunnobi Tanto |
歴史 History | Tetsugendō Naofusa’s family name is Okamoto and maned Matajiro, who was a son of the Denbei Kuniharu
He became a adopted son of the Naoshige and later on he returned to his own family, well known as Ko-dogu maker |
価格 price € 3.750,– (Shipping fee is not included in the price).
PS: More photos available on request!