一般情報 General information
製品番号 Product No. |
KOZ: 008. |
項目種類 Item type |
小塚 Kozuka |
銘 MEI |
銘:棟銘–安親 MEI placed on the Mune of the Kozuka. 安親 Yasu Chika. 1st + 2nd gen. (Extra info: the signatures of the first two generations are difficult to distinguish) |
画像 Image |
On a plain Shaku-dô 赤銅 base, an old monk/beggar standing under a magnolia branch |
時代 Era |
江戸時代中期 Middle Edo period. |
日付 Date |
ca.1700-1720. |
伝 School |
土屋–伝 Tsuchiya-Den |
寸法 Measurements
長さLength. |
97.7 mm |
幅 Width. |
14.3 mm |
厚さThickness. |
5.0 mm |
重さWeight. |
29 gr. |
詳細 Details
物質 Material |
Shibu-ichi 四分一, Shaku-dô 赤銅, engraved with inlaid gold 金 (gold plated) and silver 銀 (zilver plated) |
技法 Technique |
This Kozuka was made according to the Shakudô-migaki 赤銅磨地 technique |
鑑定書 Kantei-sho
日本美術刀剣保存協会 NBTHK Certificate |
適用外です Not applicable |
他の 証明書 Other certificate |
適用外です Not applicable |
状態 Status |
上工 Jōkō, Superior |
追加情報 Additional Information |
保存刀装具鑑 // 特別保存刀装具鑑,しんさの候補 Candidate for Hozon tōsō-gu or Tokubetsu Hozon tōsō-gu, Shin-sa exam |
歴史 History |
Yasuchika’s first name was Yagohachi (弥五八) and he was born in Kanbun ten (寛文, 1671) as son of the Shōnai fief (庄内藩) samurai Tsuchiya Chūzaemon (土屋忠左衛門). As he grew up, he became a student of Shōami Chinkyū (正阿弥珍久) whose daughter he married later. In Genroku ten (元禄, 1697), then aged 34, he left for Edo where he learned from Nara Tatsumasa (奈良辰政) and where his talent started to unfold. During the Shōtoku era (正徳, 1711-1716), he was employed by Matsudaira Daigaku no Kami Yorisada (松平大学頭頼貞, 1664-1744) who was the daiymō of the Moriyama fief (守山藩) in Mitsu province, yielding an annual income of 20,000 koku, and the nephew of Tokugawa Mitsukuni (徳川光圀, 1628-1701), the prominent daimyō of Mito. In Kyōhō 16 (享保, 1731), aged 61, he entered priesthood under the lay name Tō’u (東雨). He left us many great masterworks and was later regarded with Nara Toshinaga (奈良利寿) and Sugiura Jōi (杉浦乗意) ad one of the Nara Sansaku (奈良三作), the “Three Great Nara Masters.” |
価格 price € 875,– (Shipping fee is not included in the price).
PS: More photos available on request!