Kozuka 11

Kozuka 11

一般情報 General information

製品番号 Product No. KOZ: 011.
項目種類 Item type 小塚 Kozuka
画像 Image 三、水野朱家紋、赤銅地に刻印  Three, Mizuno family MON/crest, engraved on the Shakudô base
時代 Era 江戸時代初期 Early Edo period
日付 Date ca.1660- 1680
 School 後藤   Gotō-School



寸法  Measurements

長さLength. 96.5 mm
 Width. 13.6 mm
厚さThickness.   5.5 mm
重さWeight. 22 gr.



詳細 Details

物質 Material 赤銅金色絵   Shakudô, gold coloured
技術 Technique  赤銅地, 魚子地  Shakudô-ji, Nanako-ji     




鑑定書 Kantei-sho

日本美術刀剣保存協会                   NBTHK Certificate 適用外です Not applicable
他の 証明書                                            Other certificate 適用外です Not applicable
状態 Status (Between): 良工上工,   Ryōkō – Jōkō,  Good – Superior



追加情報                                     Additional Information With my current documentation I attribute this Kozuka to: 光侶  Mitsutomo.光侶  Mitsutomo 1627-1708, Kyōto/Edo. Other name of the 10th Gotō generation 廉乗 Renjō.小塚.保存刀装具鑑 ,しんさの候補  Candidate for Hozon tōsō-gu, Shin-sa exam
歴史 History The Japanese family name of this MON (Crest) is Mizuno. 水野氏 Mizuno clan. Home province is 尾張 Owari. Parent house is the 平一族 Taira clan.TitlesFounder of 水野清房 Mizuno KiyofusaThe Mizuno clan (水野氏, Mizuno-shi) was a Japanese clan which claimed descent from Minamoto no光正 Mitsumasa, son of 源経基 Minamoto no Tsunemoto of the清和源氏一族 Seiwa Genji clan. However, it was later discovered that he was descended from the Taira clan

 価格 price    € 650,–                                       (Shipping fee is not included in the price).             

PS: More photos available on request!