一般情報 General information
Product No. | Doll 003 |
Product name |
Emperor & Empress (天皇皇后両陛下). ATTENTION: This set of dolls comes with a glass display cabinet. |
Design | Japanese “Hina” pair of dolls. |
適用外です Not applicable |
Material | Scale used clothing fabric, wood and cane. |
Era | 天保 Tenpō 1830 -1844. |
Date | ca. 1840. |
寸法 Measurements
Width Emperor
Width Empress |
30cm |
Depth Emperor
Depth Empress |
17cm |
Height Emperor
Height Empress |
27cm With the Mesuhiyoko (the crown). |
Additional Information |
Hina Matsuri Doll Festival 雛祭り Girls´ Day is celebrated March 3rd in Japan. On this day, parents wish their daughters’ happiness, growth, and good health. A set of ornamental dolls representing the Emperor, Empress, attendants, and musicians in traditional court dress of the Heian period, are displayed on platforms covered with a red carpet. Even families without daughters might display dolls. In families with only sons (or no children at all), these are often the mother´s own Hina Dolls brought from her parents´ home. Then there are those without family who simply like to decorate their apartments with Hina Doll motifs just to get into the spirit of the season. |
価格 price € 1250,– (Shipping fee is not included in the price)
PS: More photos available on request!