日本の鎧 Japanese armour (3)

日本の鎧 Japanese armour (3)

一般情報 General information

製品番号 Product No. 鎧 Yoroi (3)  日本の鎧 Japanese armour (3)
鎧種類 Yoroi type 横萩桶川道 Yokohagi Okegawa-Dô, this 鎧 Yoroi was made for a  child.
 MEI 無銘 Mumei
時代 Era 桃山時代 Momoyama periode 1570-1614.
日付 Date ca. 1600
 Province          未知 Unknown



鑑定 Kantei Registration

般社団法人日本甲冑武具研究保存会        NKBKHK Certificate 適用外です Not applicable
他の証明書                                                      Other certificate 適用外です Not applicable




胴種類  type 胴 Dō is made up of (7) seven horizontal metal plates which are joined together to form 1 part. The entire Dō consists of (2) two main parts, front and back. On the left side is a hinge point and on the right it is buttoned with a lace. 二枚胴具足 Nimai dō gusoku.
資材 Material 胴 Dō is made of iron, which is completely stripped of all lacquer. It gives a corroded appearance. Remains of Navy blue silk 伊藤 Itō-cord can be found back at the top of the front of the 胴 Dō.
寸法  Measurements Height 45cm, wide 33cm, deep 22cm.
状態 Status 平均/悪  Heikin/Aku  Average/Bad. Significant wear/damage and discoloration by the sun.



草摺 Kusazuri

草摺種類 Kusazuri type These 草摺 Kusazur are normally hanging under 胴 Dō, to protect the lower body and upper leg.
資材 Material 草摺 Kusazuri are made of iron with some rest of old lacquer. 草摺 Kusazuri consist of 4 (four) plates hanging together with some remains of Navy blue silk 伊藤 Itō-cord.
寸法 Measurements Height 19.5cm, wide 19.5cm.
状態 Status 平均  Heikin-Average. Significant wear/damage and discoloration by the sun.




臑当種類 Suneate type 臑当 Suneate, shin guards protectors.
資材 Material 臑当 Suneate are made of iron plates with some rest of old lacquer. Iron plates attached to fabric back.
寸法 Measurements Height 22.0cm, wide 25.0cm.
状態 Status 平均  Heikin-Average. 臑当 Suneate consist of 7 (seven) plates hanging together with some remains of Navy blue silk 伊藤 Itō-cord.



鎧貯蔵箱 Gusoku Bitsu (armour storage box)

資材Material Wood, paper some old lacquer. Carrying handles, lock and corners (fittings are made of iron (coloured).
漢字 Kanji On the surfase the character 松居 meaning Matsui.
内部 Internial Deco-rated with old damaged paper.
状態 Status 平均/悪 Heikin/Aku Average/Bad.
寸法  Measurements Height 54cm, wide 40cm, deep 40cm

詳細 Details

追加情報                                                             Additional Information Judging by the plates of the  dô and the 渡神 Wata gami parts with 伊東恵里 Eri Itō, this 道 Dô comes from the Momoyama period.Both the   Ko-yoroi and the  Gusoku Bitsu (armour storage box) need some restoration. Some parts of this  Ko-yoroi are also missing.Therefore a perfect item for an upcoming armour restorer!This 鎧 Ko-yoroi, Child armour is accompanied with 1 single 鎧貯蔵箱 armour storage box.
歴史 History This 鎧 Ko-yoroi, Child armourChildren’s Day 子供の日 (Kodomo no hi). Better known as ‘boy’s day’ or タンゴなし節句 Tango no sekku (虹彩お祭りIris festival). During this festival, the girls wear a beautiful Kimono and the boys wear a Yoroi.On this day, a family shows neighbors that there are boys in the family by haningout a koi no bori: The top carp represents the father, the second the mother, the next the son(s).This tradition can be traced back to the Edo period, Samurai flags were displayed with carp synbols, as a sign of strength.Inside there are dolls with traditional Samurai clothing and Kabuto exhibited, with the wish that the son will grow up to be a fearless warrior / man.


価格 price    € 1450,–                          PS: More photos available on request!


1st-Shipping fee is not included in the price!   

2nd. The wooden armour display stand IS included in this lot!