一般情報 General information
製品番号 Product No. | 鎧 Yoroi (2) 日本の鎧 Japanese armour |
鎧種類 Armour type | 碁石頭伊予礼二枚胴 具足 Goishi atama Iyozane Nimai do Gusoku |
銘 MEI | 無銘 Mumei |
時代 Era | 江戸時代中期 Middle Edo period |
日付 Date | ca. 1725-1755 |
州 Province | 肥後 Higo (no guarantee) see history description. |
詳細 Details
寸法 Measurement | Height 145cm, wide 60cm, deep 50cm. (Measured from bottom to top of Kabuto). Relatively small Yoroi |
色 color | The 日本の鎧 Japanese armour is composed with a predominantly purpeld-colored silk 伊藤 cord. 伊藤 Itō cord is in good condition: no wear or discoloration from the sun. |
状態 Status | 上工 Jōkō, Superior |
鑑定書 Kantei-sho
般社団法人日本甲冑武具研究保存会 NKBKHK Certificate | 日本の鎧 Japanese armour is accompanied with the following certificate, published by NKBKHK organization. 4th grade: 貴重督科 – Kichō-shiryō (excellent item, both as a reference and for appreciation) |
会長の署名 Chairman signature | 会長 永田仁氏 Hitoshi Nagata |
登録番号 Tōroku bangō Registration Number: | 格一二三一号 Kaku Ichi Ni San Ichi gō. Case No. 1231 |
日付しんさ Date Shinsa/judgement | 令和元年十月十三日 Reiwa gannen, (the first year of Reiwa) Jû Gatsu Jû San Hi. October 13th, 2019 |
他の 証明書 Other certificate | 適用外です Not applicable |
考課Appraisal 鑑定 Kantei | 上工 Jōkō, Superior |
兜 Kabuto
鎧種兜 Kabuto type | A 16 plate (Ju-rokû-ken hari-bachi kabuto). Looks like 碁石 Goishi. |
資材 Material | 鉄鉢 Iron bowl/Hachi, finished with lacquer. |
首の保護 Shikoro | This neck protection (Shikoro) is made up of five (5) layers. |
前田 Maedate | Is representing (Miyake) crescent/symbols a full moon. Made of a copper plate. |
伊達者 Datemono | Decorative feathers in the 頂辺 Tehen, opening/top of the 兜 Kabuto, Design is a wooden handle finished with brown/orange-like white feathers |
寸法 Measurements | ca. Height 31cm, wide 33cm, deep 35cm. |
状態 Status | 上工 Jōkō, Superior |
銘 MEI | 無銘 MUMEI |
面頬 Menpō
鎧種面頬 Menpō type | Half mask (面頬 Menpō). The mustache is artistically formed with gold Urushi/lacquer. (Looks like whiskers of a cat). |
資材 Material | 面頬 Menpō is made from 鉄 iron, 漆 lacquer and 絹 silk |
Internal inside: 赤漆色 Red Urushi colour | |
External outside: 黒漆と金漆の髭 Black Urushi, whiskers with golden Urushi | |
風袋 Tare | This throat protection (風袋 Tare) is made up of three (3) layers. |
状態 Status | 上工 Jōkō, Superior |
銘 MEI | 無銘 MUMEI |
鎧貯蔵箱 Gusoku Bitsu (armour storage box)
資材 Material | Wood, and lacquered. Corners are strengthened with iron fittings. |
漢字 Kanji | On the surface a Chinese character (前) meaning front. |
内部 Internial | Decorated with paper with Japanese texts. |
状態 Status | 良工 Ryōkō, Good |
寸法 Measurements | Height 55cm, wide 45cm, deep 39.5cm. |
追加情報 Additional Information | This 日本の鎧 Japanese armour is accompanied with one single 鎧貯蔵箱 armour storage box.Because I can’t find a 指物 Sashimono (war/family flag) at the moment, I have dried some reed plumes myself and put them in the 受物Uke(d)-Zutsu (Sashimono pole holder) as decoration.江戸中期の鎧 Mid Edo period armour (Also mentioned on the certificate)合わせ物では無く、全てが揃いでオリジナルです It’s not a combination, it’s all original. All parts are en suite and belong together |
歴史 History | This 日本の鎧 Japanese armour is very similar to the style of: 肥後八代城主松井家伝来 Higo Yatsushiro Castle owner Matsui family tradition. But here I cannot give a guarantee (too little information). |
価格 price P.O.A. (Price on Application)
Dear customer, please pay attention to the following:
- Shipping fee is not included in the price.
- Please note that the wood armour display stand is NOT included in this lot!
PS: More photos available on request!