Fuchi-Gashira 14

Fuchi-Gashira 14

一般情報 General information

製品番号 Product No.

F & G: 014

項目種類 Item type

縁頭 Fuchi-Gashira.


大森英知 (花押)  Omori Hidetomo + (Kao)

画像 Image

芦蟹図   Ashi kani-zu,  Crab and reeds illustration

時代 Era

江戸時代後期 Late Edo period

日付 Date

ca. 1743-1807


江戸 Edo


英知  Terutomo


大森 会  Ōmori Den





寸法  Measurements


身長 38.0 mm             Width  22.1 mm


身長 33.4 mm             Width  18.3 mm





詳細 Details

物質 Material

赤銅, , 象嵌色絵    Shakudō, Kin, Zōgan Iroe

技法 Technique 

赤銅-地, 魚子-地, 高彫, 据紋   Shakudō-ji, Nanako-ji, Takabori, Jimon





鑑定 Kantei Registration

日本美術刀剣保存協会          NBTHK Certificate

特別保存刀装具鑑定書 Hozon Tosogu certificate

他の 証明書                              Other certificate


状態 Status

上工 Jōkō, Superior





追加情報                              Additional Information

The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a Fuchi-Gashira “保存刀装具鑑定書 Hozon Tosogu Kanteisho” certificate number: 4010003.

Provided on 平成二十八年六月二十八日, Heisei ni Jû hachi nen rokû gatsu ni Jû hachi hi, June 28, 2016 (28-06-2016).

Fuchi & Gashira is suitable Wakizashi and Katana.





歴史 History

This fuchi-Gashira 縁頭 was created by Hidetomo 英知, his family name is Omori 大森. His name can also be read as Terutomo 英知, his personal name is Sadabei 定兵衛, and his stage name is Ryū-rinsai 龍林斎.

Hidetomo 英知 is a student of Omori Teruhide 大森英秀, the San-dai 三代 of the Omori family Ōmori family 大森家. He worked in Edo, Musashi kuni , 武蔵国 in the second half of the 18th century.

価格 price      € 1575,–                           (Shipping fee is not included in the price).

PS: More photos available on request!