Fuchi-Gashira 13

Fuchi-Gashira 13

一般情報 General information

製品番号 Product No.

F & G: 013.

項目種類 Item type

縁頭 Fuchi-Gashira.


後藤光美+花押.十五代    Gotō Mitsuyoshi + kaō. 15th gen.

画像 Image

松木月図 Matsuki tsuki-zu, Pine tree and moon illustation

時代 Era

江戸時代 Edo period.

日付 Date



圭司  Keijō


後藤    Gotō Den





寸法  Measurements


身長 38.1 mm             Width  21.6 mm


身長 33.3 mm             Width  18.3 mm





詳細 Details

物質 Material

赤銅, 金銀色絵  Shakudō, kingin iroe,

技法 Technique   

赤銅地, 魚子地, 高彫   Shakudō -ji, Nanako-ji, Takabori  





鑑定 Kantei Registration

日本美術刀剣保存協会            NBTHK Certificate

特別保存刀装具鑑定書 Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu certificate

他の 証明書                              Other certificate


状態 Status

上工  Jōkō Superior





追加情報                                  Additional Information

The judgment on the authentic as expressed in the description above was confirmed by “Nippon Bijutsu Tōken Hozon Kyokai” (NBTHK) issuing a Fuchi-Gashira 特別保存刀装具鑑定書 Tokubetsu Hozon Tosogu Kanteisho” certificate number: 2003203.

Provided on 平成二十八年二月二十六日.  Heisei ni jû hachi nen ni gatsu ni jû rokû hi.  February 26, 2016 (26-02-2016).

Fuchi & Gashira is suitable Wakizashi and Katana.





歴史 History

This fuchi-Gashira 縁頭 was created by Gotō Mitsuyoshi 後藤光美, at the age of 55 shortly before he passed away. His family name is Gotō 後藤, and his personal name is Shirōbei 四郎兵衛.

He was born in the year Tenmei san nen 天明三年生 1783 and died in the year Tenpō go nen ju ni gatsu 天保五年十二月没, January 1835.

Mitsuyoshi 光美 is the eldest son of Gotō Keijō 後藤桂乘, succeeding his father as head of the family and so Mitsuyoshi 光美 became the 15th generationas, Jû go Dai 十五代 of the mainline of the Gotō family 後藤家族.

価格 price     € 2275,–                               (Shipping fee is not included in the price).

PS: More photos available on request!