Four Japanese prints framed together.

Four Japanese prints framed together.

一般情報 General information

製品番 Product No.

Frame with prints.

商品名 Product name

Four Japanese prints together framed in 1 framework.

主題 Subject

Four Japanese prints/units with four different crafts.

日付 Date

文政, Bunsei-1825


There is a label at the backside of this frame. Text is difficult to read. See picture below!

職人名 Craftsman’s name: (Sang) Kiyo????

寸法  Dimensions

Total frame

枠 frame.

寸法  Dimensions: 64.5 x 16.5 cm.

Professional frame with a beautiful frame and has anti-reflective glass.

Print 1

刀剣・日本刀鍛冶.  Sword/Nihonto smith.

寸法  Dimensions: 15.5 x 11.5 cm.

Colour: Black & White.

Print 2

弓道職人, Bow and arrow/Kyudo craftsman.

寸法  Dimensions: 15.5 x 11.5 cm.

Colour: Black & White.

Print 3

酒醸造家 Sake brewer.

寸法  Dimensions: 15.5 x 11.5 cm.

Colour: Black & White.

Print 4

甲冑職人  Armour craftsman.

寸法  Dimensions: 15.5 x 11.5 cm.

Colour: Black & White.

状態  Condition

良好な Good.

Additional information

Prints are processed in 1 fitting part with beautiful slanted edges. So that a nice depth effect is obtained. For more details see attached pictures

価格 Price is  € 675,–                     (Shipping fee is not included in the price).

PS: More photos available on request!


Total frame with 4 units/prints.